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About Us

Healthy Living and creating a sustainable green planet is not only a mission of individual but is of whole communities and nations these days. It’s no wonder, as the complexities of daily life consume our attention, that our health and then our natural habitat – Earth suffers.
Healthy Living Circles brings you the latest information and resources available for natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living and creative expression. In order to serve you even better, we offer this special, convenient local directory to keep at your fingertips all year long as a handy reference when searching for the things you need to live a healthier, more balanced life.

As we all have observed that our trained doctor often doesn’t have a “magic pill” that can heal all our pain and illness, prevention is unthinkable.
Additionally, the realization that our fast evolving lifestyle, booming industrial, chemical and agricultural advancements have actually produced many negative effects on the overall health of our bodies and environment looms before us like a massive hurdle to overcome. The signs show up in our culture everywhere—from our youth self-medicating with illegal drugs to our elderly faced with pharmaceutical bills that easily exceed $1,000 per month.
Listen to your body, feel the flow of your energy, notice each breath as a breath of life—and enjoy your journey to good health. The people and resources you find at Healthy Living Circles stand ready to take this journey with you.